Matty White – Former Pro Triathlete, Find What Your Purpose Is and STRIVE for it Everyday

Matty White – Former Pro Triathlete, Triathlon Coach, Fireman.

Matty talks about his familys immigration from England to Australia and the influence of his Dad, being a 2:40 marathoner and how this led to his dream of being a professional athlete.

Growing up originally in England he says he didnt really learn to swim until later and talks about his first ever triathlon being a disaster, a fail, and how this ignited his desire to succeed and highlighted his Fear of Failure. We discuss the Fear of Failure in great detail and Matty truly believes this a very important driver that most elite athletes have and need.

Its a great insight into the mind of an elite athlete and gives us an understanding  of what it really takes to achieve at this level.

He also tells us about his childhood adoration of Jan Claude Van Dam, and dreamed of being strong and powerful just like him, how he visualised being like him and having the same type of body. It highlights the powerful mindset habits that Matty has to visualise what he wants and he talks about how you need to find your purpose and then STRIVE to achieve it by doing something every day.

He trained like a beast with this in mind, to strive forward every day in the direction of his purpose, his goals. He believes you need to know what Y is (the goal) what X is (the required work) and then just do it, whatever it takes. By doing X you will achieve the goal Y. Ask yourself the question. Do you really want Y?

What is your purpose?  Know this and then STRIVE towards it every day.

When it all comes down to it, Matty believes its all about STRIVING, moving forward day by day.










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