War Veteran, Businessman, Writer, Traveller – Simon Kleinig, LIving Life On His Terms



Simon began his career in banking and was then given the shock of his life when he was conscripted into the army to begin service during the Vietnam war.


Our conversation starts with the conscription of a young man into the (now known) horrific Vietnam war. These “boys” were excited and keen to join and we discuss these thoughts and the culture of the times that created this scenario.

Simon believes, “no-one is unharmed by war” and in fact he returned a changed man. He struggled to settle into his bank job and saw it as frivolous and the leaders there uninspiring and demotivating. He looked for a change and thus began his life of going after what he craved and becoming the person he was meant to be.

He built his first business up over 15 years and also raised four great children and has now been married for over 48 years, the secret, support each other, be respectful and dont force any issues.


At 70 years of age hes found some new loves, fitness, healthy eating and going to the gym. He loves everything about the gym especially the feeling after a good workout. I love his attitude of just getting there and aiming for ten minutes and then weigh up how hes feeling, most of the time he will stay and finish the session.

Hes a true gentleman, an incredibly hard worker and I admire how hes aging with absolute class and making an effort to get the most out of life by continually challenging himself, continually moving and changing, eating well and keeping fit.


  One thought on “War Veteran, Businessman, Writer, Traveller – Simon Kleinig, LIving Life On His Terms

  1. Paul G
    November 19, 2018 at 1:17 am

    Enjoyed the interview with Simon, knowing Simon personally, i would like to state he certainly is a gentleman. I also would like to say thank you for his serving the country. I would like to thank you also for the things you taught me through our brief relationship.
    Paul G


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